MRI Vascular Imaging Contrast Agents

Technical Information

BioPAL offers several different MRI contrast reagents for pre-clinical imaging applications. Molday Ion™ is specifically designed for pre-clinical vascular imaging applications and blood flow studies and for tumor and vessel imaging.

Molday ION™ is a 30 nm iron oxide-based superparamagnetic (USPIO) T2 relaxation-darkening MRI contrast agent. Molday ION, an intravascular contrast agent, has a blood half-life of several hours and can be used in a wide range of cardiovascular and vascular research, as well as a perfusion marker for tumor imaging. This product is also available autoclaved!


Vascular MRI imaging probe and MRI probe for tumor and vessel imaging for cancer models

The Product

Molday ION is packaged in 2 ml sealed serum bottles at a concentration of 10 mg Fe/ml having a zeta potential of ~ -5mV. Researchers may order this product online using the add-to-cart button below. Alternatively, researchers can phone, fax or e-mail a purchasing request to BioPAL.

Cat. No. Product Name Price (US) Data Sheet MSDS  
CL-30Q02-2 Molday ION™ $275.00
CL-30Q02-A2 Molday ION™ Autoclaved $300.00

Molday ION has become the preferred MRI perfusion contrast agent for preclinical imaging studies. Therefore, to accommodate researchers working with large animal models, BioPAL offers Molday ION Bulk. Molday ION Bulk is packaged in either a 10 ml or a 20 ml sealed serum bottle at a concentration of 30 mg Fe/ml. Molday ION is a superior MRI contrast agent as compared to Feraheme (ferumoxytol). A comparison paper can be found HERE .

Cat. No. Product Name Price (US) Data Sheet MSDS  
CL-30Q01-2B Molday ION™ Bulk - 10 ml $325.00
CL-30Q02-2B Molday ION™ Bulk - 20 ml $600.00

Examples of research groups and institutions that use Molday ION Bulk for large animal MRI imaging applications include, but are not limited to, the following:

Brown University
California Institute of Technology (CalTech)
CEA Saclay
Deutsches Primatenzentrum GmbH (Leibniz-Institut fur Primatenforschung)
Institut de Nerosciences de la Timone
Institut des Sciences Cognitives
Institut du Cerveau / Paris Brain Institute / ICM
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (KU Leuven)
Medical College of Wisconsin
Mount Sinai - Icahn School of Medicine
Nederlands Herseninstituut
Shanghai Institute for Neuroscience
Sungkyunkwan University (Korea)
The Nathan S. Kline Institute (RFMH/NKI)
The Rockefeller University
University of California, Berkeley
University of Rochester
Zhejiang University Interdisciplinary Institute of Neuroscience and Technology

Thank You for your support! We welcome the opportunity to add your institution’s name to the list.

Molday ION is a USPIO for angiogenesis research, MRI blood flow, brain imaging. The product is a blood pooling mri imaging agent for vascular preclinical mir research and perfusion imaging - alternative to feraheme and ferumoxytol.

BioPAL, Inc. • 80 Webster Street Worcester, MA 01603 • TEL: 508-770-1190 • FAX: 508-770-1191 • e-mail:

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